Thursday, August 30, 2012

Matthew's Summer

Matthew doesn't get much love on our blog, but that's not because I love him less.  I suppose it's cause he changes a lot less than Samuel since he's older. We are currently trying to think about plans for his 3rd birthday in October. Can you believe it?!?!

"Matthew, do you know that I love you very much?"
"I know, mommy.  Mommy?"
"Yes, Matthew?"
"When the traffic light turns red, we stop.  Mommy?"
"Yes, Matthew?"
"When there's a fire drill, we go outside.  When there's a tornado drill we go into the hallway where there's no glass windows and cover our heads. "

--Typical conversation.

My biggest brag on Matthew is that at 2 1/2 he can swim.  He can swim half the width of the pool at swim class under water all by himself.  He doesn't know how to swim on the surface yet and he can't come up for air under the water and then keep going, but he beats out a lot of kids years and years older than him already.  My fearless little athlete.  Here are just a few summer pictures:

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